I) Hematologic:
- Anemia:
- Chronic hemolytic,
- Iron deficiency can happen, particularly in young menstruating women.
- Hematologic crises:
1. Hyperhemolysis: decreased Hb, increased bilirubin, increased LDH and increased reticulocytes. Can be caused by infection, coexistent G6PD deficiency, delayed hemolytic reaction.
2. Aplastic crisis: decreased Hb and reticulocyte count. Usually caused by viral infection (ParvoB19)
3. Megaloblastic crisis: Usually when Folate deficiency occurs.
II) Acute chest syndrome:
- 2nd most common reason for admission
- May be caused by pneumonia, rib or sternal infarction, fat or bone marrow embolism, pulmonary infarcts, PE.
- History:
Chest pain, Fever, Dyspnea, Hypoxia, Pulmonary infiltrates, Worsening anemia,
- Labs/Images
CXR, Cultures, ABGs, Hemoglobin levels, V/Q scans and LLE Dopples US's,
- Management
ATB, Total blood exchange in severe cases, Treatment of cause, Supportive care
III) Musculoskeletal:
- Leg ulcers: more frequent in men, rare when HCT high and with alpha deletions
- Avascular necrosis: higher in alpha deletion
Femoral head, Humoral head, Vertebral bodies
IV) CNS (occur in 25% if sickle cell patients, more common in SS than others)
- CVA (ischemic in children and hemorrhagic in adults)
- Seizures
- Retinopathy. More frequent in SC disease. Amenable to photocoagulation in early course
V) Cardiac:
- High output failure
- Right side failure
- Hemosiderosis
- Ischemia and infarction
VI) Hepatobiliary:
- 2/3 have hepatomegaly
- 75% gave cholelithiasis
- Acute hepatic sequestration of erythrocytes can happen
- Hepatic crisis: intrahepatic cholestasis
RUQ pain, Progressive hepatomegaly, Increasing bilirubin (indirect), PT and PTT prolongation
Increased transaminases
May require total blood exchange if severe (very high bilurubin, PT) and is continued until HbS is less than 30% & Pt is normalized
VII) Genitourinary:
- Intrarrenal sickling can cause intramedullary infarction (hematuria, hyposthenuria)
- Impaired acidification - renal tubular acidosis
(These changes can happen in both homozygous and heterozygous patients)
- Hematuria
- Hyperkalemia:impaired Potassium excretion, 2ary to hyperchloremic acidosis
- Priaprism: tricorporal or bicorporal involvement
Can be acute or chronic: Acute: Prolonged painful erection of several hours' duration, usually does not respond to exchange transfusion and requires surgery, impotence is frequent complication. Chronic (stuttering): usually after intercourse, reversible, reponds well to diazepam or pseudoephedrine. Impotence can happen.
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Glomerular enlargement and focal & segmental glomerulosclerosis
- ACE inhibotors can be used
VIII) Immune:
- Functional asplenia: need for vaccinations against polysaccharide encapsulated bacteria.
- Impaired cellular immunity secondary to iron overload
- Salmonella typhimurium osteomyelitis is classic association, but Staphylococcal can happen.
IX) Splenic sequestration